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FIAP Photo Academy Online Events

The Fine Art of Nature with Chris Fallows

Friday 18th November 2022 at 19:00 London Time

Presented by the FIAP Photo Academy Online Events

Chris is a Fine Art wildlife photographer; a documentary host; a naturalist and conservationist.

Since launching his fine art portfolio in October 2021, his art work has been exhibited at the famous Saatchi Gallery in London and the prestigious ARX Gallery, also in London.

His work focuses on showcases and celebrating the Planet’s most iconic animals and through his 11th Hour Collection, he brings to the narrative a very important conservation message.

As a naturalist in 1996 Chris discovered the now world famous breaching Great white shark behavior at Seal Island in Cape Town, South Africa and spent over 3500 days either in or on the ocean with these sharks. He has co – authored 18 peer reviewed scientific papers in the study of Great white sharks and spends upwards of 200 days at sea per year.

Much of his remaining time is spent in wildlife reserves in Southern and East Africa.

In 2008 he wrote and through PQ Blackwell published a book titled, “Great White and the Majesty of Sharks” which sold 25,000 copies.

He has been the host of the extremely popular “Air Jaws” series on Discovery Channel’s Sharks Week from 2001 to present. Shark Week has an estimated viewership of 30 million viewers each year.

Through the sale Chris’s Fine Art, he contributes to various NGO’s that he believes are making a true difference on the ground, and his ultimate goal, along with his wife Monique, is to identify and purchase land in Southern Africa in order preserve habitat and participate in re-wilding projects.


Please register to attend by filling the form at this link:


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