Lisa Langell is a full-time, award-winning photographer whose work has appeared in numerous prestigious publications including the cover of Outdoor Photographer Magazine, plus numerous images in Arizona Highways, Ranger Rick, art galleries and more.
She currently sits on the Board of Directors for North American Nature Photography Association. She is also a proud ambassador for Tamron, FotoPro, and H&Y Filters.
Lisa loves combaining Her diverse background and skills into Her photographic art and instruction. Bringing joy to others brings joy to Her!
She thrives on creating innovative learning experiences and pusing Photographic boundaries.
She equally enjoys enriching, stimulating and expanding fellow photographer’s minds emotionally, creatively and intellectually.
Sharing photography online ini GRATIS.
Terbuka untuk umum.
Host : FPSI
Moderator : A. Anne Bunanta
Sabtu, 21 November 2020
Pk. 11.00 WIB
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